Sweet Corn plantation in Salahley first time

Salahley community has started to plant sweet corn first time, the plantation will help the community to have highly nutritive fruit and forage for their animals as well. Noolays had been working hard for the last 10 weeks to help the community understand the benefits...

Training on increasing crop productivity and its impact on household income

Noolays working jointly with Twain Technical mission in Somaliland has conducted a crop productivity impact on the household income and livelihood of the community. This training was intended to enhance farmer's production, financial intelligence and product management.

Chairman’s message

Salahley is a large and densely populated district in the Marodijeh region. It encompasses approximately thirty villages and community settlements located in the southern part of Hargeisa.

Noolays Agro-Pastoral was established on 2nd August 2023 by 18 agro-pastoral cooperatives from Salahley distric which encompasses 972 agro-farms, 1944 families, 13,608 people those economically dependent on crop farming and animal husbandury. Noolays has since been a valuable resource and guiding force for the Salahley agro-pastoral communities. Since its inception, Noolays has witnessed significant growth in the Salahley agro-pastoral society and has played a pivotal role in enhancing skills for managing and integrating agricultural and animal farming.

Our union serves as a symbol of unity, bringing together farmers, herders, and all those involved in the agro-pastoral community. Together, we are not just individuals, but a collective force that drives progress and prosperity in our district.

 The leadership of Noolays is dedicated to enhancing and maintaining crop and animal farming practices in the Salahley district. Our goal is to ensure food security by involving all stakeholders, utilizing safe and environmentally friendly inputs, and implementing integrated strategies.

 Warm regards,

Sidiq Muhumed Hassan


Core Functions of Noolays

Training & Technical Support


The climate has caused severe negative weather conditions that have made it difficult to continue the traditional ways of farming and animal grazing, while the agro-pastoral community lacks the knowledge and skills to address these challenges. Noolays stands to support and traing the Agro-pastoral society.

Recource &Technology development

Noolays assistis its members and Salahley’s Agro-pastoral societies to embrace and adopt the use of technology across all agricultural sectors.

Research and Data Collection

Noolays has developed farmer’s needs assessment tools, mechanisms and resources to easily identify community priorities.

Ongoing Projects & Initiatives

Capacity Development Training

Animal Health Campaign

Stories From The Field

Experts from Twain’s technical mission in Somaliland have paid visits to some of the agricultural farms in the Sallahley district. The executive director of Noolays welcomed them and led them on a short tour of the Daajis farm.



Hargeisa, M/Haybe, Masalla


Phone: +252634401742
WhatsApp: +252634478485